Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Fitnah Of Shaytan

When ever we read The Holy Quran, its important to say “Auzu billahi mina’sh-shaytani’r-rajim” (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan), have we ever understood why The Quran is started that way.

Why is that The Holy Quran keep telling us that SHAYTAN is our open ENEMY.

"SHAYTAN", Who is he ?
Who are all the SHAYTAN ?
How does SHAYTAN misleads ?
What are the weapons of SHAYTAN ?
What are the Fitnah Of SHAYTAN ?

Why did SHAYTAN take oath that he will mislead Mankind?

for more listen to the friday sermon

The Holy Quran -
Fussilat (Signs)
Chapter 41:36
“If Satan tempts you, seek refuge in Allah”
That is, say “Auzu billahi mina’sh-shaytani’r-rajim”
(I seek refuge in Allah swt from the accursed Satan)

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